Friends, I’m excited to announce another spring tour with the fantastic Five for Fighting String Quartet, led by Tony winner Katie Kresek. It’s an intimate show with stories, songs, and surprises. Feel free to e-mail me song requests at!
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Honored to be recognized by Roz Rothstein and the incredible StandWithUs team at Sunday’s Festival of Lights Gala. I will always stand with Israel and the Jewish people in their fight for Western Civilization. Hat tip to my dear friend Patricia Heaton for the lovely intro. 

I recently released a new “Song for the Hostages” and corresponding “Yellow Ribbon Campaign” in a musical Op Ed for the Washington Post. You can watch the lyric video here. Pls post videos on your social media tying a yellow ribbon around a Tree or mailbox, with a few words of support for our hostage families, and the hostage #LetOurHostagesGo.